Monday, January 15, 2007

Mission Accomplished!

The mission finished strong! We give God the glory for how he used our team to serve the people of India and to open new doors for the gospel to be preached in this land. Today four teams (we had one Doctor that remained ill) split in two locations near the city of Hosur in Tamil Nadu. The first two groups staffed the Agape Hospital located on the campus of the Asian Christian Academy (a school, orphanage and seminary) and the two remaining groups traveled to a village near Hosur called Thotagiri. The combined teams saw nearly 500 patients, more might have been seen but today was a national holiday.

We saw just under 6000 patients in four states over the course of the entire Joy India mission trip. We also gratefully acknowledge the prayer support that you have given as a vital part of our success. Our work, our travel, our safety and protection were a direct result of the many who have prayed for us throughout this mission.

Please keep the team in your prayers once again as we travel to our respective homes from Bangalore. About two thirds of the group will travel back to the U.S. on Tuesday morning at 6:45AM Indian Standard Time while a small portion of the group will continue on an extension tour of India.

Thank You again for being our faithful prayer partners in this mission!

The link below will take you to Today's photos:
The link below will take you to the video updates for Joy India team (requires Quicktime):

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